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Anleitung für HID-DigitalPersona - O365 (Englisch)

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DigitalPersona - O365 (Englisch)

  1. In a PowerShell session, perform the following steps to configure your Azure AD domain as a Federated domain: 
  2. Start a Windows PowerShell session. 
  3. Import the MSOnline mode by entering the following cmdlet. --> Import-Module MSOnline
  4. Connect to the online service by executing the following cmdlet. --> Connect-MSolService 
  5. Enter the Office 365 administrator username and password. 
  6. Verify that the domain name is listed by executing the following cmdlet. --> Get-MsolDomain -domain 
  7.  You should be able to see the name of the domain that you will be federating. 
  8. Get signing certificate from MetaData. Open the following URL in the Browser: 
  9. Set Domain to federated domain

  • Set-MsolDomainAuthentication -DomainName -Authentication Federated -ActiveLogOnUri 
  • -IssuerUri 
  • -LogOffUri 
  • -MetadataExchangeUri 
  • -PassiveLogOnUri
  • -PreferredAuthenticationProtocol WSFED -SigningCertificate MYBASE64Certificate